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  1. ApplianceServing a variety of appliance manufacturers and tier suppliers for dishwasher, refrigeration, range and laundry.
  2. AutomotiveSpray painting and single or multicolor pad printing capabilities for under the hood or interior applications.
  3. Medical DeviceBranding and close tolerance pad printing for metering devices. Pad printing for internal and external use. Durable coatings for the hospital environment.
  4. Consumer ElectronicsComputers, hand held devices and cases are a few of the products Screen Tech Designs has finished. Applying a wide range of metallic coatings, soft touch coatings, silkscreening and pad printing.
  5. Home ImprovementProtective clear coatings protect metallized finishes from household cleaners.
  6. IndustrialSpray applications of conductive, non-conductive, reflective, UV, CARC and organic hard coatings serve a number of industrial markets.
Celebrating 40 Great Years

foundersScreen Tech Designs…

is a leading world-wide service company offering a variety of decorative finishing processes. We serve several industries – consumer electronics, medical, aerospace, appliance, and automotive.

Motorola, Bose, Honda, Compaq, IBM, Gateway, RCA, Mitsubishi, Ford, GM, Olympus, Toshiba, Panasonic, Sun Microsystems, GE, Whirlpool

You May Have Already Seen Our Work

We have been helping injection molders and extruders serve many OEM's for over 20 years. These represent just a few of them.


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